

Regarding the policy of managing the courses in General Education, Khon Kaen University has realized the importance of general education as mentioned in the University Announcement No. 351/ 2001. Many times references to the management of general education have also appeared in the resolutions of the University Council. Moreover, in the University Council’s second meeting of 2004, a conclusion was reached regarding the management of the general education courses as follows:

  1. To provide the framework of general education for a Bachelors degree that is in accordance  with the philosophy and objectives of general education;
  2. To develop and integrate the courses and establish them as the general subjects;
  3. To create an organization that takes responsibility.

According to the policy, Khon Kaen University has therefore developed and integrated the general education courses according to the philosophy and the university announcements. Khon Kaen University has developed 22 subjects which are divided as follows: a) English (5 subjects), b) Humanities and Social Sciences (11 subjects), and c) Mathematics and Sciences (6 subjects).   It has been 5 years since The Office of General Education has started teaching the courses, which began in the first semester of 2006. The Office of General Education has been improving and updating the general courses which are according to feedback from graduates as mentioned in University Announcement No. 3/2008 dated 4 April 2008. The announcement stated that the traits of graduates and the preparing of graduates was consistent to Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF: HEd) in 2009. According to TQF: HEd, teaching has to consist of and emphasize 5 aspects. These aspects are morality and ethics, knowledge and intellectual skills, relationships between persons and responsibility, numerical analysis, and communications skills and technological skills. The Office of General Education has recently reformed the courses (newly revised in 2010) by integrating the qualification of graduates as Khon Kaen University requirement. By following the TQF: HEd and the developing the quality of graduate approach, The Office of General Education has divided the general courses into 5 groups as follows: Group No. 1- Communication and Self-learning (4 subjects); Group No. 2- Analytical and Critical thinking (2 required subjects and 2 elective subjects); Group No. 3- Morals, Ethics, and Values of Life in Society (2 required subjects and 2 elective subjects); Group No. 4-Cultures and Intellects (2 required subjects and 2 elective subjects); and Group No. 5 – Becoming Well-rounded and Adapting to Globalization (2 required subjects and 4 elective subjects). After the courses had been reformed and they had been proposed to Khon Kaen University, they were completely approved in University Council meeting No. 2/2010 on March 4, 2010. After the Khon Kaen University announcement, the faculties in Khon Kaen University have to consider putting these general education courses (newly revised in 2010) into their curricula.


Official of General Education, Khon Kaen University2nd Floor Academic Building 123 Khon Kaen University Muang, Khon Kaen. Tel: 0-4320-2585


Khon Kaen University graduates should have intellectual skills, capability, life-skills,  learning skills, morals and ethics, and be well-informed.


To develop the learning and teaching systems to be modern and international (globalized?) in order to strengthen the quality of  graduates(?) for Thailand and world society.


To generate graduates by cooperating with the faculties in managing and integrating the general education courses, which  are focused on professional subjects and human subjects in order to prepare graduates of high quality as Khon Kaen University desires. 

Core Value

  Acronym:  SMART
                S: Service Mind
                M: Mastery
                A: Accountability/Transparency
                R: Relationship
                T: Teamwork

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